Awesome Wedding Schedule/Tips Find!

I found the following article here:

and more here:

Awesome ideas and things to consider while planning your (my) big day.  Trying to think of the schedule has been on the back burner until recently when I realized that people making travel plans would like to know that stuff sooner rather than later :)  Our photographer we had picked didn’t quite work out so we are back to the drawing board on that one.  A little lost for what is likely a lot gained.  The wedding expenses have finally become a little overwhelming.  It’s hard to live our lives every day and save for one of the most expensive days of our lives.  We were really good in the begining… less good lately… hopefully it’s ciclical and we will be more good(er) soon!  <– look at all that college paying off ;)

One thought on “Awesome Wedding Schedule/Tips Find!

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this article of mine! Scheduling is a tough aspect of your wedding day, but I promise that a smooth schedule can make all the difference in the world!

    Such a fun way to share your journey as you plan your big day! You are going to make a gorgeous bride, lady! Let me know if you need any help finding a photographer ;)

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