Choose wisely my friends…

I saw this picture today and was totally struck by the truth behind it!  You are the things you feed your mind, soul, and body. 

The exciting/scary thing behind this idea is that it is your choice!  Which means it is in your control. Which means you can elevate yourself to new heights (yay) or anchor yourself where you are (boo). 

So, if you’re feeling stuck or stagnant… make the conscious choice to feed your body, mind, and soul good vibes (tastes like Nutella). 

Expansion and Contraction

I thoroughly enjoy deep diving into heart felt topics and soul shedding ideas… and I also enjoy the numbness of watching reality TV with a glass of wine and entertaining not a single deep thought.

I find that the more I know, the more weight I sometimes put on myself to DO something with that knowledge.  The more tips, tricks, insights, nuggets of knowledge that rock my world… the more I feel like I’m not doing ENOUGH with that knowledge.  What a funny place to be in sometimes.

It’s like the knowledge is taking the deepest breath, filling my lungs with ideas of magic and wonderment… and then holding it… Waiting for my outside world to start moving forward with the momentum of this knowledge like the wind behind the sails.  Only I don’t physically move forward with the changes fast enough to keep my lungs from starting to burn from holding all these magically delicious ideas just a tad too long.

Since starting a real deep dive journey into learning more about myself, I’ve had this constant tug of war between expansion (growth, learning, enlightenment) and contraction (the mind and bodies desire to keep the status quo and reject change).  I get so excited about the new things, and then want to put them into immediate action.

My fear is that if I don’t immediately act on these awesome revelations I have… that it will all just slip away and I will continue moving along in the same groove of life that I’ve already carved out for myself.  Which is a beautiful groove… but there are bigger and more expansive grooves that I’d like to explore in this life.  One where I’m badass-ier, kind-er, honest-er, and true-er to the beautiful soul that is “me” that is occupying this body during this life.

I don’t know that I have the answer to this, but I do know that I spend a lot of time giving myself permission to just chill the f*ck out and take a breath.

So cheers to internal growth, and also cheers to cutting ourselves a break when we feel like we have no fricken’ clue what to do with the excess growth sometimes!  Finally, cheers to doing the best we can with what we know right now.

‘Soul’er Panel

I was thinking today about how in order to “shine your light” onto the world, other people, etc. that you would need to actually have the light available within you to shine.  Kind of like a flashlight needing batteries or a solar yard light needing the sun.

I love this thought because so many people think that taking time for themselves (personal development, self-care, time alone, massages, etc) is a selfish act.  However, when you think of it as a necessary step in order to have the fuel/battery/power to give to others… it then becomes a necessary step in being a more altruistic person.

I personally love taking time for myself and strengthening my mental and emotional fortitude.  I love growth, a good challenge, and helping others do those same things.  If I don’t take time to grow personally, I don’t have the ammunition to help others do the same.  One of the most rewarding moments I have is when a little tidbit of information or a certain meditation practice that touched my soul, helps someone else wade through their shit when I share it.

So just imagine that your soul needs refueling just like anything else in order to be the best version of yourself. Then sit down and think about what makes you feel like you are at your best… and do it.  Do it often.  Self-care is soul-charging.

Richness Project…

What makes your life rich?  Not cha-chang rich, but soulful/heartfelt/my heart is on wings… rich?

I have been posing this question to my close friends and family per a 007 super secret project.  Now I’m going to lower the security level clearance and really put it out there…

What makes you/your life/your heart, rich?

There is no right or wrong answer.  In fact, so far the feedback I’ve gotten (along with all the wonderous things that people have in their lives that make them rich) is that making the list… made them feel richer.  Taking the moment to take inventory of the ingredients that come together to make a sweet plate of richness brownies (mmmm… brownies), brightened their day.

I’d like you to brighten your day too!

Please respond to this post with your Richness Recipe! 

If you can’t get the comment doo-hickey to work, email me here: and tell me there.  I will read each of them. I will be richer for it.  I will be sharing the data in the form of, “so many people are more rich because of birthday cake Oreos… it’s amazing!”.  {if you haven’t tried them, google/amazon/pray for them — awe-some}. 

I will not throw you under the bus or directly quote you, unless of course you are asking for it because your life is so full of richness and awesomeness that you are ust going to burst if you don’t share it (and ask me to do so).

Here is my list… because it isn’t sharing of information if I don’t do it too!

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Jason & Vince {who are also my family}
  • Colors in Nature
  • Feeling blessed by the opportunities I have in life
  • Having arms, legs and a butt — and a good inner beat to shake them all to
  • My crafty side
  • Giving to someone
  • Teaching someone something
  • Being a good friend
  • Wine & Cheese — ever-broadening taste buds
  • The ability to pick olives off my food because I am an adult and can do what I want (stomp, stomp)
  • A good education
  • A beautiful, stable, promising, full-of-hope relationship
  • Chocolate, for the days when hope is hiding
  • Technology – to keep me informed, to keep me in touch, to allow me to flex my creative muscles with pintrest, facebook, instagram, photos, pandora, etc.
  • The gift of being able to make everyone around me laugh, and laugh hard… like almost pee their pants hard
  • Life.  And the ability to live it… fully, everyday.

Sigh, smile :)

Now you go…. AND GO!